Dr. Moulton specializes in treatments that help our patients return to optimal periodontal health.  While it may seem there are endless procedures he is highly trained and skilled in performing, we like to break things down into 3 simple categories.

1.  Dental Implant Treatment

2.  Tissue Grafting

3.  Periodontal Pocket Reduction


While the general focus of modern dentistry is to preserve a damaged tooth whenever possible, tooth loss can still result from decay, periodontal disease or injury.  Possibilities for filling the gaps left by lost teeth were once limited to bridges or dentures; but they now include dental implants. 

Dental implants are posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone and function much like the roots of natural teeth.  They can serve as anchors for crowns, bridges, or full and/or partial dentures depending on individual need.  Because these "root replacements" actually fuse with the jawbone, the resulting “root” is very solid and stable.  Root replacement with dental implants is one of the only ways to prevent bone loss after a tooth root is extracted.

Implants offer an excellent solution to one or more missing teeth.  Implants look very natural, feel secure and, most important, prevent bone loss in the affected area.


Sometimes the supportive tissue around your tooth is too thin to support the root of your tooth properly.  When this occurs, your dentist or hygienist may tell you that you have "thin tissue" or "a lack of attached tissue".  Another word you may hear at your regular cleanings is "recession." 

"Recession" is when the supportive tissue around your tooth moves down or away from the tooth, often exposing the root.  Recession can cause sensitivity to hot or cold liquids, an increase in cavities and eventually may even lead to tooth loss because your tooth doesn't have the bone and tissue support it needs, so it becomes mobile and bone loss occurs at the root level. 

Thin tissue and recession are very common.  In fact, these conditions account for at least one third of the patients treated in our practice! Many patients experience very few, if any, symptoms with this type of periodontal disease.  However, just because it doesn't hurt, doesn't mean that it isn't a serious condition!  If your dentist or hygienist is concerned about your gum tissue...you should be, too.

Dr. Moulton specializes in caring for patients who need tissue grafts.  In fact, it is one of his favorite types of treatment to offer to his patients.  There are several different types of tissue grafts, depending upon the type and severity of your specific periodontal defect. Dr. Moulton enjoys sitting down with his patients during a comprehensive oral examination to determine which type of grafting procedure will give each indificual the most predictible, best esthetic, long term outcome.

Gone are the days of painful "skin grafts" and "horrible roof-of-my-mouth pain."  Dr. Moulton's gentle touch and latest techniques will have you wondering why you didn't address this condition earlier.  When you come in for a New Patient Tissue Graft Evaluation, Dr. Moulton may recommend any of the following types of grafting procedures to return you to full periodontal health:


There is a protective seal around our teeth which keeps out food and bad bacteria.  When that seal is broken, debris, calculus, food and bacteria sneak below the gum line.  When not removed, items below the gum line can cause irritation of the gum tissue and can attach to the root of the tooth, creating a "periodontal pocket".  If left untreated, these pockets can lead to infection, bone loss and eventual loss of the tooth.

The good news is that periodontal pocket reduction is possible in many cases.  If addressed early, treated correctly and followed up with routine care, many patients are thrilled with their post-periodontal treatment results.  Dr. Moulton takes periodontal disease very seriously.  You won't have to look very hard to find a magazine, newspaper or internet article linking periodontal disease to overall physical wellness.  This is why Dr. Moulton takes the time to do a thorough medical and dental history review during all New Patient Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluations and he dedicates time to get to know each patient personally in order to ensure that he meets their physical, emotional and overal health needs through their periodontal treatment.

Dr. Moulton was the first dentist in Idaho certified to provide the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure {LANAP} by use of the Periolase Laser.  The LANAP protocol is a less invasive approach to periodontal pocket reduction, yet proves to have the same (or better in many cases) outcomes as traditional periodontal surgery.  While it is not always the best treatment protocol for every patient, ask Dr. Moulton if he would recommend it for you!

There are often areas of periodontal pocketing where bone loss is also present. Laser or traditional pocket reduction treatment alone may not be enough to address the severity of your condition.  These periodontal defects often need to be "regenerated" or built back up using a growth factor, a bone graft material or both.  Dr. Moulton can explain your individual periodontal needs and the types of products he recommends for you once he has completed a thorough exam, presented his findings and he has recommended the best course of treatment to bring you back to full health.

As mentioned previously, there are many types of procedures Dr. Moulton completes each week. In addition to dental implants, tissue grafting and periodontal pocket reduction, he also achieves amazing results on the following:

  • Ridge augmentation for implants
  • Sinus augmentation
  • Extraction site grafting
  • Expose and bond (impacted teeth)
  • Temporary anchorage devices
  • Frenectomy, Fiberotomy
  • Esthetic crown lengthening
  • Functional crown lengthening
  • Root re-shaping
  • Pre-Prosthetic surgery
  • Treatment of gummy smiles